Green River Alliance Church began as a church planting work at the invitation of a local family.  Two graduates of Crown College (formerly St. Paul Bible College) came to Green River and began holding Bible studies.  The first official services of the church were held on June 13, 1982 in the City Café building on Uinta Drive, and  Rod Van Schooten was installed as the first pastor.   

            In 1983 the church was incorporated as a local congregation of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, and became an official extension church in the Rocky Mountain District, with a charter membership of 16 people. The church moved to several locations over its first few years, including in a law office in the historic Tomahawk Hotel, in the basement of a realty office in the Indian Hills subdivision, in the Masonic Lodge building, and in the Nazarene Church.        

            In August of 1985, Rev. Tim Steinert became the pastor of the church.  At that same time the church purchased land for the purpose of constructing a permanent sanctuary and Sunday School facility.  The church continued to meet in rented facilities for the next 13 years, its most permanent home being rental space in Mansface Plaza shopping center from 1991 to 1998.  David Miller pastored the church in 1993, and Rev. Gary Burdick came to pastor the church in 1994. 

            Early in 1998, the church felt it was time to pursue the idea of securing its own permanent place for worship and ministry.  After exploring several different ideas, plans, and designs, the church entered into a fund-raising program for the construction of its present church building on West Teton Blvd.  The congregation took up the challenge and made the necessary sacrifices, raising the funds needed to begin the process of building the church.  A construction loan of $180,000 was secured from the Alliance Development Fund, with a 15-year mortgage scheduled to be paid off by December of 2014. Ground was broken and construction began early in 1999. The new church facility was completed by December, and a dedication service was held on December 5, 1999. Through the faithful provision of the Lord, and the faithful stewardship of His people, it was a privilege and blessing to be able to pay off the church mortgage in 2012, more than 2 ½ years early.   

            About a year after the new building was occupied, Rev. Mike McConnell was called to pastor the church, in December of 2000.  Rev. McConnell served as pastor of the church for almost 18 years, until his retirement from full-time ministry in June 2018.  In June of 2019, Pastor Kevin Batson answered the call to pastor the church.              

            The mission and ministry of Green River Alliance Church is to be a REAL COMMUNITY of people with a REAL TRUTH offering a REAL HOPE! We believe everyone matters to God and to us whether we feel it or not. All kinds of different people are welcome here! Life is messy, so come as you are.  We strive to be a real people living in a genuine community who do life together and stand together through life’s ups and downs. We are a part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance

            In addition to Sunday worship services, the church currently serves the whole family with Bible studies for men and women and weekly ministries for children, middle-schoolers, and high school students. These ministries provide service, training, and mentoring opportunities for emerging leaders.  The church reaches out to the community with faith-based programs dealing with such needs as financial planning, depression/anxiety, and addiction recovery.  The church remains involved in the worldwide ministries of the C&MA through targeted prayer, financial support of the national Great Commission Fund, participation in mission trips, and partnering with district-sponsored international workers. 

            Over the past nearly-40 years, the Green River Alliance Church family has remained faithful in worship, in praying, in serving, and in giving to the work of the Lord.  They have continued the ministry and mission in the community that has been the purpose of the church since its inception.  To God be the glory – great things He has done!