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Our prayer focus for April is: Stewardship

Week one: Pray that God will help you prune the excess from your life so you can focus on what He wants you to focus on. Is there someplace you spend too much time or money? Ask Him about how you use your time, resources, and gifts to convince you about where to make changes.

Week two: Pray to God to show you how to be a better steward of the earth. In the book of Genesis, we are placed over the flora and fauna. How might you preserve the earth for your children and your children’s children? Ask him to show you one behavior that you can work on.

Week three: Pray to God to show you how to be a steward of your monetary resources. Make a prayerful budget. Ask him to show you what bills should be prioritized and pay them. If he shows you excess, ask him to bring you folks or ministries in need who can use what you don’t need.

Week four: Pray to God to show you how to be a better steward of your time. Write down your schedule. Are you tithing at least 10% of your time to God? Ask God to sanctify your time and that you will make the most of each moment of each day in His name.