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Our January Prayer Theme is Renewal. You can find the prayer guide below and also a printable version available by clicking on the button shown. 

About Renewal

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Rom 12:2

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.”

Luke 2:52


God does not want us to stay the same. He tells us to renew our minds and models transformation and renewal in his life.


As we start a new year, your theme is renewal. Jesus grew in four areas, so we will pray for renewal in the same four areas.


Suggested Outline


Week one: Pray to Grow in Wisdom. Do you need to take a class, learn a language, or learn a new skill? Ask God to show you where he wants you to grow. Should you focus on a theme or book in your Bible studies? How is your apologetics? Your ability to witness? Who has a skill or knowledge that you could learn from? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? Become a photographer, an artist, a musician, a woodworker, a computer coder, a chef? Find a book, find a class, find a person. Ask God to reveal them to you.


Week Two: Grow in stature. Some of us will not grow taller, but we can grow as stewards of our bodies. Do I need to improve my diet, rest, stress level, and exercise routine? Are there others that I can work on this with? Are there new places, experiences, and people I need to try?


Week Three: Grow in favor with God. How are you doing in your spiritual disciplines? Bible reading, praying, tithing, fasting, ministry/ missions? Ask God to show you where and how you need to grow in your disciplines. Do you need to join a ministry or start one? Have a more reliable quiet time, a quiet place? Pray more regularly? Fast? Pick one, and write down your goal. Journal your progress towards that goal.


Week Four: Grow in favor with man. Pray for your emotional health and opportunities to strengthen relationships and start new ones. Volunteer, serve something or someone else, and ask God to lead you to the right place at the right time. Put yourself in a new social situation. Ask someone to share a meal or a cup of coffee. Help someone unexpectedly. Ask God to point them out to you.