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The type of prayer we will practice for July is Intercessory prayer

Remember, 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is coming at the beginning of August. I hope we will see you at the church for a few days at least,


In the Bible, intercession refers to the act of praying on behalf of others, often seeking God's mercy, guidance, or intervention in their lives. The concept of intercession is deeply rooted in various passages throughout the Bible, emphasizing the importance of believers lifting up their fellow human beings in prayer.


The Bible portrays Jesus Christ as the ultimate intercessor, mediating between God and humanity. The book of Hebrews 7:25 (NIV) states, "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them." This verse highlights Jesus' ongoing role in advocating for believers before God.


One notable intercession example from the New Testament is in the book of 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV), where the Apostle Paul encourages believers to engage in intercessory prayer: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."


Intercession is not limited to specific individuals; believers are encouraged to intercede for one another, leaders, and the world. The Bible underscores the transformative power of prayer and its potential impact on the lives of those being prayed for. Through intercession, believers demonstrate a commitment to selflessly seek the well-being and spiritual growth of others, reflecting the biblical principles of love, compassion, and community.


I would suggest the following pattern or something similar:


Monday Intercede for world conflicts such as Israel and Ukraine. Pray for peace and God's will. Pray for international missions' access and protection

Resources to pray for Israel

Resources to pray for Ukraine


Tuesday, Intercede for our nation: our leaders, for the nation's edification, the upcoming election, our economy, the homeless, national issues, and national ministries, i.e., Focus on the Family, The Hour that Changed the World. 


Wednesday Intercede for Wyoming: for our state leaders, the election, the local economy, state issues, and state ministries such as Inside Connection.


Thursday Intercede for your community: leaders, first responders, favorite stores, schools, and local churches. Pray for our church and its leadership.


Friday Intercede for individuals: pray for folks who need to know Christ, pray for folks who need the Lord's guidance or healing, pray for your family, Pray for our church's International Workers, the Clasons, and Quicks.


Saturday, intercede on your behalf for your faith, health, and mental and emotional well-being.


Sunday, intercede for whomever or whatever God puts on your heart.