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We will hold a theological class every Tuesday at 6 PM from October 8th to May 6th, divided into three quarters.

This is an opportunity to dive deeper into your faith and understanding of theology. We will be giving a survey of theological topics which include: Prolegomena, Bibliology, Theology Proper, Christology, Pneumatology, Creation (Anthropology, and Angelology), Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology.

Topics like these include questions such as whether God exists, what sin is, what God is like, who Christ is, the works of the Holy Spirit, what man is, what are the views on creation, what the millennium is, and what is the church's purpose.

We would love to see you there as we strive to learn together!

Stay tuned for additional details like the location and more; as we get closer to these classes starting, we will share more details with you. You can reach out to Matthew O'Halloran for more information as well.